Old Providence

Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church


Old Providence is in involved in many areas of ministry. As you become a part of the Old Providence, family you are encouraged to find opportunities to learn, to grow, and to serve. Please see our Home Page and News and Events section for updates regarding meeting dates and times.


Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9:00 am there are Sunday School Classes for all ages. There are classes for children from an infant Nursery through fifth grade. There are classes for Middle School and Senior High youth.


The following classes for Adults are held each Sunday: The Men’s Bible Class meets in Providence Hall and is a lecture class for men. The Willing Workers class is a lecture Class for women, which meets in Providence Hall. The Open Door Class is a discussion class for men and women, which also meets in Providence Hall. A Young Adults Class for ages 18 years and up meets in a classroom upstairs above the Sanctuary. At various times special interest classes are also provided.


Women’s Ministries

Old Providence Women’s Ministries provides opportunities for learning, fellowship and service for all women in the Old Providence family. The group has a monthly meeting on the first Thursday of each month for business and Bible Study.


Youth Group

Opportunity is provided for Senior High and Middle School to meet for fellowship, study, and service. Meetings are scheduled typically each Sunday, September through May. Summer activities are also planned.


Children’s Fellowship

Our Children’s Fellowship known as “Little Lambs” provides opportunity for children from age three through fifth grade to meet for recreation and study, typically on every Sunday, September through May. Seasonal activities are also planned.


Bible School

Typically, each Summer Old Providence provides a Bible School for the church family and for the community. This Bible School takes place in late June and is intended to be an outreach effort as well a time of learning and worship. It also provides a fun time of recreation and fellowship.

Monday Mid-Day

On certain Mondays this group meets at 11:00 am for study, fellowship and a light lunch. This program is open to all. Check the church calendar or "Programs and Classes" for the current meeting dates.